

welcome! ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ

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hello, traveler! welcome to my little corner of the internet :3 please standby while i work to get things up and running. i'm quite new to coding so it will likely take me a while...

i first started building this site in late 2022, worked on it for a couple weeks, then i spilled a drink on my laptop and it became almost unusable. i recently graduated and as a gift my mother got me a pc so i can finally work on my site again!

i have no strong connection to the old web, being born in 2006 it was mostly gone (at least in the mainstream) by the time i got online. i never really got to experience sites like myspace, old deviantart, or neopets, but i'm glad to have stumbled across this community filled with people dedicated to making it last!

i still have much to work on to get this site to a somewhat complete state but feel free to poke around in the meantime. thank you for stopping by!